nofap relapse stop feeling bad

Relapse in Nofap? Here’s How to Stop Feeling Bad

You were on a streak. Everything was working perfectly. You believed you had permanently beaten porn and masturbation addiction. But then something unexplainable happened. For some reason, you found yourself looking at porn. You knew it was something you should avoid but you couldn’t help yourself. It then dawned on you that you had relapsed. … Read more


3 Reasons Why Nofap is not Worth it [And Alternative]

You have tried nofap but it seems it is not worth it? Well, you are right. It is definitely not worth it. Of course this can be dismissed like any other opinion on the internet. But I have a concrete explanation to back my claims and an alternative to seal the argument. I was addicted … Read more

nofap for married men

3 Things a Married Man Must Know Before Starting Nofap

Nofap for a married man is a bit complicated. When you are single, all you need to do is decide on the mode you want to start with and go full force. But when you are married, the dynamics are different. Doing nofap when you are married can bring serious problems to your marriage. That … Read more

nofap books

3 Interesting Books to Read While on Nofap

You are on nofap and you are looking for books to read? Finding good books to read is obviously not easy. Reading does not mean you pick any book and start going through the pages. Imagine if you are on nofap and you decide to read a romance novel. The result of your reading will … Read more

Nofap fail story

How I Failed Repeatedly in Nofap [My Story]

Nofap is not the easiest course out there. Failing is the order of the day for majority of people in nofap. I’m sure you are reading this article because you are among the majority who fail. Don’t worry though. I too was among the majority and I failed repeatedly. In this article, I want to … Read more

nofap edging recovery

Nofap Edging Recovery: How to Bounce Back

Have you found yourself edging a lot while practicing nofap? Well, edging is common in nofap. Sometimes urges come and they are too strong to resist. Putting up a complete resistance against them is often next to impossible. Most people prefer edging in such circumstances because it feels a lot safer than a relapse. However, … Read more

nofap success rate

NoFap Success Rate: What are the Odds that you will succeed?

Do you want to know the exact percentages of people who succeed with nofap? Well, that is what this article is all about. The nofap success rate data given in this article was taken from a poll that was carried out in Reddit’s nofap sub-reddit. The respondents were all people who were practicing nofap. Though … Read more

nofap is pointless

NoFap is Pointless [Don’t Waste your Time and Energy]

Just because nofap has some positive benefits doesn’t mean it is beneficial. A great part of nofap is a pointless pursuit. I’m not saying this just because I hate the nofap philosophy. I have practiced nofap myself and I have proof that it is a complete waste of time. Before you throw stones at me, … Read more

nofap social media delete

NoFap: Should you Delete Social Media?

Nofap is not an easy challenge. Many people relapse. Others indulge in edging using social media. On the journey to quit porn addiction for good, time comes when the urges to watch porn come strongly. While some people are able to resist them completely, others go to social media to look at seductive images. Social … Read more