Jesus wept because of the little faith that the people who were mourning at the home of Lazarus had. It was painful to Jesus that the mourners kept mourning yet He had the power to raise Lazarus from the dead.
Jesus expected the mourners to stop mourning after they saw Him because why would they mourn when Jesus was around? He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead.
But the mourners kept mourning until when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. The little regard the mourners had for Jesus made Him weep.
When Jesus arrived, He met Martha, Lazarus’ sister. He assured her that He was the resurrection. But despite the efforts of Jesus to get Martha to have faith in Him, Martha still didn’t believe that Jesus would raise Lazarus from the dead.
The same incident happened when Jesus mentioned to His disciples that Lazarus was asleep. His disciples thought it was natural sleep. But when Jesus clarified that Lazarus was dead, the disciples gave a faithless answer with Thomas saying they go and die with him.
These events leading to the raising of Lazarus from the dead show how both the disciples of Jesus, the sisters of Lazarus and the mourners didn’t know who Jesus was.
Jesus desires us to believe in Him in all situations. After all, there is no situation that Jesus cannot solve. But when we show little trust in Jesus, it is so painful to Him that He weeps.
That is the reason why Jesus wept.