What is the meaning of psalms 126? Psalms 126 is a psalm of hope. The psalm begins with a reaction of what the psalmist and his people did because of the doing of the Lord.
The psalmist talks of God restoring the fortunes of Zion. While this may primarily be referring to the fortunes that God restored after captivity, there is more to Psalm 126 than what God did then.
The psalm gives hope to whoever reads it in that God will restore the fortunes of His people both now and in the age to come.
You may have trusted God to remember you and answer your prayer. Psalms 126 gives you confidence that God will restore your fortunes as He did for Zion.
The condition is that you are to remain faithful to God as Zion was faithful to God throughout its captivity.
Captivity comes in different forms; there is physical captivity of being a slave to someone, systems of the world etc. There is spiritual captivity of being under demonic oppression.
Regardless of the type of captivity you are in, Psalms 126 assures you that God has the power to deliver you. Put your trust in Him.
In your prayer, tell God how much you trust Him because of what He did in Psalms 126.
The hard work that you are investing in God will be rewarded. The prayers you make will yield fruit. All the hard work you are doing is what the Psalmist refers to as sowing and the promise is that whoever sows in tears will reap with songs of joy.
God is faithful to keep His word. Your responsibility is to remain faithful to Him. Whether your answer will come in this age or in the age to come should not bother you.
The most important thing is that your sowing in the Lord will yield fruit and you will sing songs of joy.
That is the message in Psalms 126.