What does the Bible Say About Time?

What does the Bible say about time? The bible has talked extensively about time. Three aspects about time come out from the many Bible verses that talk about it.

First, we learn from the Bible that time is short. This is in reference to the time allocated to us here on earth. While to us the years we live on earth may seem plenty, reality is that time is short.

With this short time, the Bible asks us to spend it wisely. Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom, says the Psalmist.

Secondly, the Bible tells us that no one has control over time. No matter how powerful a man becomes, he will always be subject to time. The best we can do is use the time allocated to us wisely.

This calls for us to live in godly ways and seek to fulfill the assignment that God has for us. It is only by walking in love as Jesus did that we will be using our time wisely.

Those who try to slow down time are fools. Some use anti-aging products in an attempt to preserve time but it is futile. Trying to find other planets to live on is not a wise use of the little time we have.

This very earth will live on will be destroyed. Trying to save it is a futile endeavor.

Lastly, the Bible teaches us that time is given to all of us. No one can claim that he didn’t have time to serve God. We only have people who sacrifice their time to serve God and those who do not.

Everyone allocates time for God based on their love for Him. There is no way you can love God and fail to allocate time for Him.

Therefore, be wise and allocate God as much time as you can in your life. God will reward each one of us for every minute we spent for Him.