Waiting on God for a husband is ambiguous. To some extent it is actually an excuse that some single Christian ladies use to avoid taking responsibility of their future marriage.
The truth is that waiting on God is not relaxing on a couch expecting your future husband to knock on the door.
There is work involved in waiting on God for a husband. The work is hard. So hard that some ladies avoid it and end up single for a very long time.
In this article, I will share with you two key actions to take while you are waiting on God for a husband. I want you to also understand that waiting on God for a husband is just a fancy phrase for working to get a husband.
Reality is that waiting on God is work; hard work.
Waiting on God for a Husband
1. Gather Knowledge about Marriage
The amount of knowledge you have when you get into marriage will determine how successful your marriage turns out to be.
Even though God will lead you to the right man to marry, keeping the man will depend on your level of knowledge and understanding.
I have heard some single Christian girls say what they expect from their husband and honestly speaking, not even Jesus can meet their expectations.
It is common for girls to have fantasies about marriage. I’m sure you have heard the phrase ‘Marriage is not a bed of roses’. While it is not scriptural, it still carries a level of truth that is important for single Christian girls to know.
Use your time of waiting on God for a husband to iron out the fantasies you have about marriage. Go on YouTube and listen to born again married women talk about marriage.
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The more you hang out where married women are, the more you will have a clear perspective about marriage.
There are nitty gritty things about marriage that only a married woman can tell you. In Christian circles, there is often an assumption that God will teach us everything we need to know about marriage.
While that is true, God has given us leaders and other members of the fellowship to teach us some of the aspects of marriage.
Therefore, don’t live on your own and fool yourself that you are waiting on God for a husband. You must always be growing in knowledge on marriage.
How to Treat a Husband
Take personal initiative to learn how to treat a husband. Don’t dwell on how you want to be treated as a queen. That is important but it is beyond your control.
Learn to cook sweet food that your husband will be looking forward to eating. Learn to iron men’s suits. Have several skills that will serve your husband to his satisfaction.
If you want to be treated as a queen by your future husband, you have to learn to treat him as a king. It is your responsibility.
Some Christian single girls struggle with keeping secrets. If you are affected, start working on keeping important information private.
You don’t want to get a husband only for you to tear him down by revealing his weaknesses to your friends. The Bible says that a foolish woman tears down her house with her own mouth.
Don’t be a foolish woman.
Your words as a single Christian lady should be seasoned with salt. Let the man who marries you feel the warmth of your words and glorify God because of you.
Don’t let treating your future husband feel like a chore. Instead, let it be a habit. Let treating a man well come naturally from you.
2. Pray as you Wait on God for a Husband
Jesus once taught a parable that men ought to pray and not give up. As you wait on God for a husband, you must be in prayer.
Not only are you supposed to pray to know who your husband is, but also to align yourself to be a wife to the man God will give to you.
In fact, majority of the prayers you are to make while waiting on God for a husband are for personal alignment. Being a wife is a different spiritual level from being a single lady.
When you are a single lady, your assignment is entirely to serve God but when you get a husband, you have to balance between serving God and serving your husband.
Getting the balance right is not easy. If you are not perfectly trained by God, you will mess up.
I have written a book that guides single ladies on how to pray to get a husband. It explains where you need to start your prayers from.
One day, in the church I attend, a girl asked what she should pray about if she wants a husband from God. She had no idea where to begin.
That is why when I was writing the book, I began by telling single girls where to begin their prayers for a husband.
After you start praying, you need feedback. It is hard to continue praying if you have not received any feedback.
I was surprised by a story of a lady who had prayed for a husband for 15 years and she was still trusting God. She had not gotten any direction after praying for 15 years.
Feedback helps you know what to focus on in your prayers. God may want you to pray for discernment because He is about to let you know your husband and you will need the discernment to recognize him.
If you fail to ask for discernment, your husband will slip through your fingers.
Read Also: What age should a Christian get Married? Biblical Answer
In the book I wrote, I have outlined the feedback you are to expect after every step of prayer. Before you get to the end of the steps of praying for a husband, you can be sure you will know what God says about your marriage.
It is not rocket science. Rather, it is simply learning to talk to your heavenly Father as a daughter.
Waiting on God for a Husband: Conclusion
I hope I have helped reduce the ambiguity of waiting on God for a husband. By following the two guidelines I have given, you will get a husband in no time.
Marriage is meant for us to enjoy. Do not count yourself out because your heavenly father is more than willing to help you get a husband.
Now, go and do as I have directed you.
All the best!