Life after Quitting Porn and Masturbation: How it Feels

Life after porn and masturbation is sweeter than any candy you’ve ever eaten. Why do I say this? Because I am there.

Before you discover porn, you can’t know just how horrible life is when you are addicted to porn. After you get addicted and see how horrible life in the porn prison is, you will appreciate life more once you come out.

The confidence you feel when you talk about your battle against porn is indescribable. When you look at your beautiful partner and feel a strong attraction towards her, you become very grateful that you fought against porn addiction.

I will not go into details of how my experience battling with porn was because I have already written about it extensively in this eBook.

Here are some of the good things I have experienced after quitting porn:

Comfortable Talking about it

I would not be writing this article had I not overcome porn addiction. During the days when I was addicted to masturbation and porn, I avoided any discussion that had anything to do with porn.

One time I remember I was in class and the teacher casually mentioned about masturbation. Immediately, my heart began racing.

I could not calm myself down. I was worried that I might be discovered.

When you are a porn addict, you are always a suspect. Anytime someone borrows your phone to browse anything, you constantly worry if you deleted your search history.

If you have hidden some of the adult content on your phone, you won’t have peace using your phone in public with the fear that an erotic image may pop up accidentally.

Once you beat the addiction, life gives you a sack full of freedom. You no longer worry about being caught with adult content. Your relationship improves because you can engage in intimate conversations without panicking.

Porn and masturbation topics become just like any other topic. You can openly talk about them and the weird stuff you were doing without any shame. And that is what people who overcome porn addiction call freedom.

Confidence in Relating to Girls

Porn addiction eats up all your confidence especially confidence to talk to girls. While you are addicted to porn, every girl you talk to is a potential person to masturbate to.

And then there is fear within you that the girl might realize you are ‘scanning’ her. In the end, you find it very difficult to be calm in the presence of girls.

Anytime you are in the presence of a girl, your mind starts racing. With that kind of battle going on in your mind, you see it better to avoid girls all together.

But since the craving for girls is in-built, it is impossible to cut them off completely. That is how the idea of hiring escorts comes in. Many porn addicts would prefer a prostitute over a confident girl; reason being that the prostitute doesn’t need any emotional connection.

This is what is commonly called objectifying women. In other words, a woman to you is nothing more than a sex doll. The more emotionally disconnected a girl is, the more you prefer her.

When you finally put porn addiction behind you, the guilt within you disappears. The freedom you experience boosts your confidence which enables you to relate freely with girls.

Creating friendships that are not intimate with girls becomes easy.

Easy Time Controlling Urges

When you are addicted to porn, your mind gets used to giving in to unwanted urges. Over a period of time, your mind learns to allow every kind of urge to have its way.

Other addictions easily creep into your life. Your productivity goes down since your mind is unwilling to fight against urges of laziness.

You end up becoming a zombie; with no control over anything. Porn addicts are often very lazy and are always tired. They only find strength when it is time to masturbate.

After overcoming porn addiction, your mind rebuilds its defense system and is able to put up resistance against unwanted urges.

You will not only be free from porn but also free from many other unwanted urges. Miraculously, you will find strength to start a business, get employed, invest in your relationship and do many other positive things.

Saying no to people also becomes easier than before. The ripple effect of quitting porn has tremendous results.

The End of Loneliness

The vicious cycle of porn addiction forces addicts to isolate themselves. As they isolate, they feel horrible and end up indulging more in the dirty addiction.

In the end, the cycle creates a very strong trap that seems impossible to come out of. The addicts find themselves isolated. For them, it is next to impossible to relate with people.

Anytime a porn addict goes to a public place, he fears that someone might discover what he does in secret. He then ends up dying alone in his room and staying awake late into the night.

Life after overcoming porn addiction is sweet since creating friendships becomes easy. With much of the fear of being caught gone, it is easy to open up to other people and form relationships with them.

Before you know it, you will have a bunch of awesome friends and your loneliness will be nowhere in the picture.


Life after beating porn addiction is full of many unexpected advantages. It is a bundle of joy. If you are addicted to porn and it feels impossible to overcome, start your journey here.

It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed or for how long you have been stuck. Beating porn addiction is possible. I am here as a witness.

Work hard and get to this side of the river. Grass is greener and bread tastes sweeter on this side of the river.

All the best!