I have been to a Therapist but my Addiction to Porn didn’t Stop

If you have been to a therapist and your addiction didn’t stop, this article is for you. First of all, I’m sorry that you didn’t manage to stop your addiction to porn even after putting in the effort to see a therapist.

As you may already know, there is no single reason that explains all cases of people who never manage to beat their addiction to porn even after going to therapists.

There are several critical underlying issues that are responsible for each failed attempt to get rid of porn addiction. I have written extensively about the main problem in this article.

What I’m going to discuss in this article are the other underlying issues that stop you from recovering even after hiring a therapist.

After reading this article, you will clearly know why you didn’t succeed and what you can do to finally kick porn addiction out of your life.

Wrong Therapist

Of course the first thing to suspect if you went to a therapist for addiction therapy and you didn’t succeed is the therapist. Maybe he wasn’t qualified or his method of operation didn’t match your personality.

But then you also have to blame yourself for not picking the right therapist. You are not expected to get the perfect therapist but at least the one you find should be able to help you overcome your addiction.

For in depth information on how to pick the right therapist to help you overcome your addiction to porn read this article that I wrote.

A wrong therapist is worse than no therapy at all. I once read a comment on YouTube of someone who was addicted to porn. He was complaining about what his therapist had told him.

When he opened up about his porn addiction problem to his therapist, the therapist simply told him to find a girlfriend.

I am not a therapist but at least I know that getting a girlfriend can’t cure an addiction to porn and masturbation.

In my eBook about my porn addiction journey, I narrated how I had the same thought and went ahead to find a girlfriend for myself hoping that the addiction to porn and masturbation would end. I slept with my girlfriend a few times but the addiction never left me.

What that therapist advised the young man was horrible. Reading articles on this blog is even better than listening to such a mediocre therapist.

If you have had an experience with a mediocre therapist, I am sorry for you.

The important thing I want you to know is that a therapist is critical in helping you beat porn addiction. But then he has to be the right therapist.

Don’t rule out completely the involvement of a therapist in your journey to recover from porn addiction. You may cripple yourself in the battle.

I normally recommend my readers to go to a therapist for one main reason; to help them uncover the truth about their past.

If there is one thing you can get from your therapist that will help you big time in beating porn addiction, it is to learn of any type of abuse you might have undergone in your childhood and how to solve it.

Don’t bother much about the workbooks and tasks you are given to stop watching porn. If you can find your childhood pains that are hidden within you and solve them, beating porn addiction will be easy.

Handling your Part

No matter how many people come to help you beat your addiction to porn and masturbation, you will only manage to beat it if you put in the work.

You will get good advice from this blog and from your therapist too but then it is up to you to implement it. The more thorough you are with following the advice given, the quicker your recovery journey will be.

Set your mind to pushing hard on any advice you are given. I have been in the addiction and I know just how hopeless sometimes it feels.

Many times I gave up fighting and gave myself over to flow with the urges. But then my victory only came when I put up a fight like no other.

I had tried for several years without success but of course I knew that to overcome the addiction I had to keep pushing.

Be like women, when the time to deliver comes, they scream and do all manner of crazy things but in the end they leave with a baby in their hands.

Spend time reading about human habits, how the brain works and any other article that will take you closer to your victory. I love a quote that says ‘Obsession beats talent’.

Get obsessed with beating porn addiction. Don’t get tired of making it part of your New Year’s resolution. I did it for four consecutive years.

Sacrifice and spend money on a therapist, buying books, paying for online support groups and so on. Your investment won’t go in vain.

Once you overcome the addiction you will realize just how important your investment was. When you hear of someone whose marriage has ended because of porn addiction, you will look at your wife and tell her you won the battle.

Victory over porn addiction is a lifetime testimony. Don’t under invest in it only to regret later.


Get over the excuse that you went to a therapist and didn’t get help. It is more about you recovering from the addiction than the loss you went through.

Ask any rich person how many times he failed before he finally became rich and you will realize that the battles we fight in this life demand that we be persistent if we want success.

Head over to an article I wrote called How to Stop Porn Addiction after Failing Miserably. Learn from it what steps you need to take in order to get back on track dealing with porn addiction.

It may take you time to recover from porn addiction, but remember it is worth it.

Good luck!