Porn addiction can have a very strong hold on you. It then sucks all strength out of you and you can easily be discouraged from fighting it off.
There are many people who have given up the battle against porn and masturbation after failing to overcome it several times.
If you are on the verge of giving up your fight against porn addiction, it is time to seek help from outside. Of course one of the best ways to find help for porn addiction is by getting a therapist specialized in addictions.
In this article, I will share with you the cost of therapy sessions for people addicted to porn and masturbation.
I normally recommend my readers to go for online therapy sessions. The first reason is because the impact of face to face therapy and online therapy is exactly the same.
The second reason being that with online therapy, you save time. As long as you have your phone or laptop with internet connection, you can go ahead with your sessions.
But with face to face therapy, you have to set time in your schedule to drive to the office of the therapist. There may be many delays and many things to hold you back. It is harder to be consistent with in-person therapy sessions than online sessions.
Read Also: Quit Watching Porn and Masturbating before it is too late
The third reason why I recommend online therapy sessions is because they require less courage to open up. The fact that you are dealing with a sensitive issue, you’ll find it easier to open up online than face to face.
The fourth reason for recommending online therapy is because you can switch between therapists at no extra cost to you. Once you have paid for the service, you can change therapists if the one you have isn’t helpful.
In case you get busy and are unable to attend your therapy session, you can request the company to put your membership on hold. They’ll wait until the time you are ready to resume with your sessions at no extra cost.
Lastly, on average, online therapy sessions are cheaper than face to face sessions. With online therapy, the therapist may work at home which eliminates office rent and that allows them to charge less money per session.
With that said, let me get into the details of pricing.
Online Therapy Pricing
I’ll focus on the pricing of one of the companies that I send most of my readers to. It’s called Online Therapy.
I love them because they have all resources needed for dealing with different kinds of psychological problems. They have four plans for their payment; free, basic, standard and premium.
Each of the plans has a varying degree of services that you can access from the therapist you choose. The image below shows the summary of what you get with each plan.
On the minimum side, I recommend you choose the standard plan because it is the cheapest plan that allows you to text your therapist at any time.
Since porn addiction is something that you struggle with daily, it will be good if you can talk to your therapist on a daily basis.
You don’t really need the express replies of the premium package but if you can afford it, go for it. The rule here is simple; the more you pay, the easier it will be for you to beat your addiction to porn.
The basic plan may turn out to be a waste of money since you will have very little access to your therapist. With it, you have to do a lot more work than if you pay the little extra fee to get the standard plan.
Is Porn Addiction Therapy Worth the Cost?
I was once addicted to porn and masturbation and my simple answer to this questions is that quitting porn is worth every penny you have.
I say that because if you don’t kick porn out of your life, porn will kick everything you have worked for out of your life.
Porn and masturbation will eat away your confidence until you become a mere image of yourself. It will ruin your relationships and leave you lonely.
In other words, would you rather spend $50 a week on therapy to get rid of porn or be forced to pay $200 per hour for an attorney to help you in your divorce case?
When you will be paying the attorney the $200 you will be paying him to help you lose your marriage all because you refused to pay $50 a week to cure porn addiction.
Porn addiction therapy may seem expensive but then if you are caught masturbating at work and you lose your job, you will wish you had paid the therapy fees to get rid of porn all together.
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I have heard several cases of porn addicts who became so tired of it to the level of attempting to commit suicide. Porn addiction is serious.
Porn, just like any other addiction, keeps growing. Don’t you realize that when you began, you were content with seeing naked bodies but as you progressed, your mind craved for more hardcore scenes?
If you don’t deal with it, soon, it will turn you into a miserable person who cannot handle anything in life. No matter the stage you are at in the fight against porn addiction, invest money to get rid of it.
In the end, it is your life, your marriage, your job, your friendships and your children that you are saving. The money you spend now to get rid of pornography addiction will be earned later when you are able to work well in your office without wasting several hours on porn.
When you kick porn out of your life, you will have a happy marriage and your emotions will be at peace which will save you the cost of treating unnecessary psychological problems.
There are so many benefits of quitting porn. In my own life, I have been able to start and grow this blog to help you because I quit porn.
Had I been passive about it, would you be finding this help? By you being addicted, many other people are suffering.
Treating pornography addiction is well worth the cost. Go for it!