Addicted to Porn and Masturbation? This is How to Know

If you have this question in your mind, there is a 90% chance that you are addicted to porn. In fact, anyone who watches porn willfully is either just about to get addicted or is already addicted.

There is no specific point where we can conclude that someone who crosses it is addicted but there are signs that show when you are addicted.

Watching porn is bad for you. You can read details why porn is bad in this article.

There are many signs out there that people use to determine whether they are addicted to porn or not. I won’t be repeating them here. What I will tell you here is one clear sign. If you have it, you are addicted. There is no speculation and I don’t want to waste your time. There are more important things to do if you learn that you are addicted.

The Biggest Sign of Porn Addiction

Before you continue reading, make sure you have read the article I have suggested above on why porn is bad. Read about this sign only when you are convinced that watching porn is bad.

You will know you are addicted to porn if you no longer have a choice to resist the urge. Normally, people who watch porn are at different levels of addiction.

Some may resist the urges without any problem. If you are such kind of a person, I want you to take advantage of your good position and quit porn all together.

That is why I recommended you convince your mind that porn is bad before you read about this sign. The biggest trap that will work against you at this stage is the thought of ‘let me do it because I can get out of it anytime I want’.

Trust me, getting out won’t be easy if you keep indulging in porn and masturbation. The pride you have now over porn will fade away and you’ll become a powerless prisoner.

Therefore, if you can stop watching porn without struggling, please stop it for your own good.

Second Type of Addicts

The second type of people is those people who can resist the urges to watch porn but not always. These people may resist the urges to watch porn during the day but they find it irresistible to watch porn when they are in bed at night.

Others may find it easy to resist the temptations of watching porn while at work but they become powerless at home.

If you are in this stage of the addiction, I want you to know that you have a big chance of beating the addiction although you have allowed pride to push you this far.

Most likely you normally tell yourself that there is no problem provided you don’t watch porn while at work or in school. But I am here to warn you that the addiction is getting stronger.

If you don’t choose to stop it now, it will spread to other areas of your life. You may be comfortable watching porn when your wife is not around but when she shows up you zip it.

If you don’t work to stop the addiction, you’ll soon find yourself watching porn even when your wife is around.

I read a story of a guy who would leave his wife in bed to go and watch porn. At first, he was watching a little bit of porn but had no problem in bed with his wife.

But as he progressed with his habit, it got to a point where he lost taste for his wife and all he wanted was porn and masturbation.

His marriage ended up in divorce just because he thought he could manage watching porn and having a healthy sex life.

Don’t fall for the same trap.

Third Type of Addicts

The last group of people and one that is in deep trouble is that of people who have no control whatsoever over the urges to watch porn.

I got to this level of addiction and I have narrated how it felt in my eBook. This is a level of addiction where you are a leaf in the wind.

You have zero control and you don’t even try to get any control because you know you can’t. In other words, porn has your remote control.

If porn chooses channel 13, you turn to channel 13. If you are at this stage, I will not lie to you; there is a lot of work to do.

For most people, they may have some control but then there are times they lose it all. That is dangerous because you are approaching the point of no return.

If you don’t put up a fight, it will get to the point where you say ‘I am an addict to porn, so what!?’ I call that place ‘the point of no return.’

Provided you have some control, no matter how small, you can use that little control to regain more strength and then beat the addiction.

I read a comment of someone who had been addicted to porn since 12 years old and at the time he was writing the comment, he was 50 years old.

He said he didn’t see the need to put up a fight against porn because it was too late. Don’t get to his level of despair. My eBook should give you some hope.

I was addicted to porn for over 12 years and I managed to come out of it. By the time I overcame porn, I had been in the addiction for more than half of my life.

It is not easy to beat porn addiction but certainly not impossible.


I know now you have a conclusive answer as to whether you are addicted to porn or not. Whatever the case, make sure you stop watching porn completely.

The more you keep entertaining porn, the deeper that addiction grows. Reading other people’s stories of how they struggled to beat porn should send a strong enough message for you to cut off porn.

If you want to know where to begin your recovery journey, find details in this article.

Good luck in your battle!