7 Secrets Only Porn Addicts Know

Everyone addicted to porn relates to these secrets. I didn’t consult anyone before I came up with these secrets because I know them from the days when I was addicted to porn.

Surprisingly, I never told anyone any of these secrets while I was still in the addiction. The aim of this article is to help you know that what you are experiencing is not unique to you.

Once you know that your addiction is common to many people, the stigma associated with opening up about the addiction should reduce. And with that, you will be one step closer to overcoming this deadly addiction.

If you are interested in my story of how I discovered porn addiction, the weird things I did when I was addicted and how I eventually overcame it, read my eBook on porn.

Never speak about it

The first silent rule that a porn addict gives to himself is to never speak about it. That’s right. When I began watching porn way back in 2006, I was young but I knew it was wrong.

I was close to my mum and I would tell her anything that I felt was wrong. But for some unknown reason, I chose to keep porn to myself.

I only discussed it with my best friend but then it was that best friend who had introduced me to it. Whenever the topic of porn and masturbation would come up, my heart would start racing.

I was like a murderer who was being interrogated by detectives. Something within you tells you that the detective will notice how uneasy you are.

I remained silent about my addiction to porn until when I learned that opening up is important if you want to beat the addiction. You can get details about that in the article Should you Open up about your Addiction to Porn and Masturbation?

Hidden Files

I doubt if there is any porn addict who doesn’t have hidden files on his phone. The first step of hiding is using the incognito tab while browsing.

Then the downloaded files are sent to a ‘vault’ somewhere on the phone. There are many apps dedicated to hiding content on the phone.

Those apps can be disguised as a calculator but then when you enter a certain code, it gives you hidden content. Porn addicts love those apps.

If you happen to have such apps, don’t worry. I was there too.

I remember one time I was searching for a certain file on my brother’s laptop and I saw porn videos on the recently searched items. Since I was also an addict, I clicked on them.

The videos were hidden deep within one of the vaults. It was next to impossible for a stranger to find them unless they specifically searched for them.

Being a porn addict requires a lot of secrecy. Porn addicts are good at it. But then, you have to come out of your hiding spot if you want to overcome the addiction.

Familiar Girls Syndrome

Don’t search for this ‘syndrome’ since it’s something I have come up with to explain my point. This ‘syndrome’ mostly affects people who masturbate.

They may never open up but deep within they desire to know how it would feel to sleep with girls that are familiar to them. It is this kind of fantasy that leads them to masturbate in the first place.

Some may go ahead and download images of girls they know so that they masturbate while looking at them. It’s a pathetic thing to imagine.

Majority of porn addicts prefer to watch porn videos that are familiar. Either people of their country, their age mates, people in their field of work, celebrities they know etc.

Addicts find porn videos with familiar people more interesting than some random pornstar. If this is true for you, start working to come out of the addiction.

Scanners in their eyes

Average men glimpse at ladies but people addicted to porn and masturbation have lasers in their eyes. Their eyes are able to undress any girl immediately they land on her.

I narrated such an incident that happened to me while I was addicted to porn and masturbation in my eBook. I could not control my eyes and immediately they landed on any woman, they would undress her.

Such are the secrets that porn addicts keep. I have seen some addicts who even walk with a mirror for the purpose of looking into the skirts of ladies!

Others use their phones to take secret pictures of girls. There are apps that record secretly which porn addicts use to record girls and then watch when they are back in their houses.

I never got to a point of doing that kind of stuff but it was an idea I had. Porn addiction is terrible. It will lead you to do the most pathetic of acts. Don’t allow it to take you that far. Decide and fight back.

Being Turned on by Weird Objects

Men are naturally turned on by women. But then porn addicts take it too far. They get turned on by weird feminine objects.

Some will masturbate while looking at ladies’ shoes. Some buy ladies’ inner pants to use them to masturbate. The degree of wickedness that happens among porn addicts is unimaginable.

Being turned on for porn addicts goes from the feminine body to random objects that belong to ladies. I have heard stories of masturbation addicts who steal objects from girls they wish to sleep with to go and masturbate on them.

Why should you allow yourself to deteriorate to that level? Do something about your addiction! The girl you ‘sleep with’ doesn’t deserve such kind of treatment. Why degrade her?

Turning Hardcore

Porn addiction begins with desiring to see innocent people kissing. But as it advances, it forces you to watch weird content for you to feel ‘high’.

You may begin by watching people kissing but you end up desiring to see rough scenes where the girls are begging men to give them a break.

In fact, the more painful a woman feels is a scene, the more attractive it is for porn addicts. They want to see a girl abused until she passes out.

Others want to see girls writhing in pain. The degree of hardness keeps increasing for porn addicts. It not only ends in videos but they also begin being rough on themselves.

Masturbation turns very violent and dangerous. They use rough objects against their sexual organs. In some cases they do themselves harm until they bleed.

Porn and masturbation addiction is not a joke. It can lead to very serious injuries.

Suffering Loneliness

Porn addiction and loneliness go hand in hand. The loneliness is not necessarily about a person sitting alone in the house. Mostly, porn addicts find it hard to connect emotionally with other people.

They may have friends but they find it difficult to connect with their friends. The lack of connection in their friendships pushes them deeper into porn and masturbation.

For them, porn is the only ‘friend’ whom they can connect with. But of course after a while they realize that their ‘friend’ has ill intentions.

If you are suffering loneliness as a result of porn addiction, you can find a therapist to help you. Learning to connect with people is a technical psychological skill that everyone must learn.

Without genuine loving connections, your life will be miserable. Do your best to get help.


There are many more weird things that porn addicts do in secret. The bottom line is that addiction to porn will lead you to do terrible things.

You’ll find yourself doing pathetic things you have never imagined you can do. Therefore, accept that you are hooked to porn and choose to fight against it.

Don’t let your life waste away because of your unquenchable thirst to see naked bodies.

Good luck!